But really, I have nothing to complain about. . . I love my dad and am so thankful for our relationship, his love, wisdom, spiritual guidance, and his good health. I'm now living with a lovely lady and her two daughters. This must be the most difficult day of the year for them. Her husband (the girls' dad) died in a motorcycle accident a year ago. The last time their extended family saw him was last Father's Day. I can't imagine the pain and loss and loneliness they must be feeling. All I can do is pray for them and look for ways to bless them.
Interestingly, I read today Psalm 82: "Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked" (vs. 3-4).
On another note. . . when I was in Regina I thought THEY were crazy sports fans (Roughrider's) but I found a new breed of intense passion, competitiveness and ear-piercing cheers! I was inundated
I loved all the energy around me today... the Nigerian's at church this morning know how to praise the Lord with all they have! Oh! I just found out that some of my "jobs" here this summer is to help with the church's pre-teen girls's soccer club and lead Aerobic classes at the Hope Centre! Lol, I LOVE that!
Today, I moved out of Pastor Ron & Joan's house and into his daughter Sonia's basement suite. It's beautiful! I love it (I'll attach pictures). It's so big. There's 3 separate bedrooms down here for the girl in
So, supposedly it's blazing hot outside... but I'm sitting inside wrapped in sweatshirts, blankets and double socks freezing from all the air conditioning (doesn't make sense to me... we'd pay a fortune to find the sun in Hawaii, but we turn on the air conditioning here and
make it colder than winter. . .brrrr)
I'm getting a track record (already!) for packing too much and sleeping in (though I've never been late!) so I'd better go to bed
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