Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yesterday was a lovely day off! I was craving sleep, exercise and a solid time of devotions. . . thank you Jesus for a Sabbath day! The morning was spent doing that. Sonia lent me her van for the evening- Juliana (her daughter) and I picked up Mark & Tyler and we headed for Square One (a huge mall). But... it was closed at 6pm (on a Saturday)! We were so surprised! It's open till 9 every other day (odd...) anyhow... so we saw "Toy Story 3" in 3D instead... good times. Then we were able to meet up with Doug & Rebecca Friesen for a late dinner. It was so nice to connect and see them! They were out for the Nigerian Church Banquet and some new Pastor ordinations. This summer is a lot easier than previous trips away because of having interns here that are friends and lovely visitors from home spend time with us.

We came to Toronto as missionaries. . . I need to learn how to do that! We joined a small team from the church for their Friday night Outreach. . . As the Intern leader I put on a brave face and encouraged the interns to participate, but honestly I was so scared-- I've actually never walked around a park before handing out tracts. Never been comfortable with that mostly because I didn't think it was an effective means of evangelism. I prefer doing it through relationship and mentoring or putting on programs etc. Handing out tracts seems so unnatural. . . None of us from BC had ever done that before. Thus, perhaps it's not as effective in Vancouver (? or maybe we've just never tried it?), but it seems to be in Toronto. The church here does it quite frequently and enjoys doing it. People pass out tracts all the time while they're shopping or on the Subway etc. Anyhow, it turned out great and I actually enjoyed it a lot! We split up in groups of 2 and headed to High Park (very large). We prayed, walked around and approached people who looked like they would be relaxed enough to talk. Mark and I had some really great conversations with people. We talked to 4 older Croatian Catholic men for about 30min. They were really open to talking; we talked about everything! But we prayed for them after because they seemed to be really set in their ways and I believe only the Holy Spirit can bring true revelation to them. They 'believe' in Jesus but basically also believe that because they worked hard and they are 'good' men they will go to Heaven. The people who will not go to Heaven are those who are poor-- I interacted with a homeless man at one point and they basically said he wasn't going to Heaven because he didn't work hard enough on earth! We had a quite a few points of disagreement, but it was a phenomenal and deep conversation. They really listened as I shared personal testimonies of my personal relationship with Christ- because they'd never heard of those before. They called the Bible good 'children's stories'. We encouraged them to get back into the Word- so I pray they would do that and the Holy Spirit would speak clearly to them. We met some other people who at first thought we were G8 protesters when they heard we were from Vancouver! lol-- then we told them no, actually we're here to tell you that God loves you and desires a relationship with you. We all laughed and were able to tell them a bit about the different churches around the city and what we were doing there this summer. People are a lot more open here to talk it seems. They even take tracts... even I don't t take tracts from people back home! It's still scary to approach people, but once we start talking it's really great to have these meaningful conversations publicly and then pray for them after.

During the summer we have several short-term missions teams coming to Toronto to help with Outreach and Programs. They are mostly from the US. I LOVE that they see Canada as a missions field and are coming here! Yesterday, 2 different teams (both from the state of Virginia) have come to do Outreach. It's a bit more cramped in Sonia's house tonight (15 people living here; many more spread around other homes and church floors); it's great to meet everyone! We all joined together and held a community festival in the plaza after church today. Fantastic day!

Each team performed excellent and powerful dramas and drimes; some shared testimonies; we had guest bands and singers perform. The church worship team did a set- which was well received. The young Filipino church band played (they are PHENOMENAL!! 13-16 yr olds and they are absolutely incredible! I'm def using them at the Youth Explosion event).

Hope 4 tomorrow church has a Performing Arts ministry on Saturdays. So one guy heads up this ministry and is basically the pastor of all these teens and young adults who want to sing and rap and dance and need a place to do it. They practice at the 'Hope Centre' and he finds them places to perform. So they performed at the festival (none of them are Christians yet)-- thus their music was not 'Christian'- but I was so impressed that this happened! Because this event was an Outreach- so it was for them as well. We listened to them and they listed to the church people play and there was interaction. Some people might see it as controversial to give them the mike cuz they might drop some nasty words, but I think in the long run it was a very positive thing

that occurred. I was so encouraged to see them there and even dance around with Canadian flags at the end when the worship team sang the closing song! It was a really neat festival.
Also at the festival.... I helped make a table size Brazilian cake! Sooo yummy! Lol, this 'cake' is not what we think of as 'cake'-- it's like a "Shepherd's Pie". It was layered with bread and chicken and vegetables and more bread and sauce- the icing was mashed potatoes. I designed a Maple Flag out of cut up cherry tomatoes on top. Very neat... we had a LOT of leftover cuz it was so big and so filling.

Tomorrow Pastor Ron and I will be driving around Toronto to nail down a location for our Youth Explosion event. The Interns will be decorating the churches for the upcoming VBS. The US teams are doing outreach during the day and putting on a youth crusade (service) at night. Tyler and I are joining the Hope 4 Tomorrow music worship band practice tomorrow night (excited but nervous about that!). Should all be interesting... :-)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Driving and Leading in faith (in scary and often unknown places)

We are moving forward! :-) Mark and Tyler arrived last night. . . our first two interns. Our team was so busy at that time, so Sonia handed me her keys and told me to fetch them from the airport. That would be no problem for me anywhere else, but in Toronto? Driving here is crazy!! I'm a fairly aggressive driver in Vancouver, but that means nothing here. The "average" speed is like 120 km/hr-- I love driving fast, but wow that rule they taught us about leaving a couple car lengths in between you does not apply here. People have to bully themselves in and out of lanes. We are constantly merging here and there not waiting to see if they'll let you in, cuz they won't unless you just go for it, all at ridiculously fast paces. I was driving a van that couldn't adjust the mirrors and we had luggage piled up so I couldn't see out of the windows and thus... it was truly driving and merging in faith the whole trip! Lol, AND my GPS still thought I was in Vancouver so it thought we were heading to Richmond! My navigator (the only one free!) was an 11 year old who really didn't know where anything was (but I'm so glad she was with me). Haha, so we did eventually get there and back, but my stomach was in serious knots and my heart pounding slightly more than is healthy.

That morning I had traveled by Subway to Markham to visit Pastor Gina. Inside the terminal, I must have looked so lost and confused that random people stopped to help me (which was really nice!) Coming home was rushour... I felt like a sardine packed in there. You are ridiculously close to everyone around you, but nobody talks! We all stare ahead as if no one is there, even though you feel the sweat of the person next to you on your arm (ya... gross). However, being new and lost I had to ask some people for help. Some were not so friendly, others were. I talked to one sweet lady and she was open to chatting most of the trip home. I found out she lives really close to the Hope4Tomorrow church and that she has two little kids. So she might come to our community festival this Sunday afternoon. I then found out she is from Jamaica and a Pentecostal Christian-- so we were able to encourage each other the rest of the journey (that was nice!)

Meeting with Pastor Gina was nice. She is an incredible woman! She pastors a large Filipino church here. They are continually growing and their building is so small. She works everyday (except Mon) from 7:30am-7pm (sometimes later) at the church. The intern that stays with her will have an INTENSE summer! However, they will also have one of the best experiences of what ministry actually looks like.
I would be nice to see this Pastor (and most of the Pastors here) focus on raising up young leaders to share the workload. Having an intern is a huge change. I admire these local pastors so much; they really are heroes of the faith. All of them are bio-vocational (do not take a salary) and also work more than full time at the church. I admire them; their conviction, dedication, sacrifice, work ethic, love for the Lord and for people is incredible. Yet. . . their method of ministry is not sitting right. It's hard because I do not want to come in here as a young Bible College graduate know-it-all or be critical. Or even simply as someone from the West imposing "our way of doing things" upon them. They are working so hard and I pray that God would bless them and their work and multiply it. But, it doesn't make sense to me that the Sr. Pastor needs to be out at 10pm putting up a banner at the church or waking up early to set up chairs or be the one to pick up all the members at 5am for a 6am prayer meeting! Obviously the pastor does need to have a servant heart and be willing to do anything, but s/he does not need to do EVERYTHING! They actually laugh at me when I bring up the concept of Sabbath and a balance of life, family and ministry. I see them during the week, and I can pick up that many of their healths are not good; they do not take care of themselves and are suffering for it. They are burning out... all of them have admitted that to me. That is not good! They are fighting the good fight which is tremendous, but we need to be wise and strategic about it. Who is behind them to carry on the work of the ministry? Would they trust someone to take on some of their responsibilities? Would they allow them to do it, even if they fail or don't do it to the caliber that the pastor would do it at? I'm really speaking freely here (so you may want to disregard what I'm saying). I wonder if the issue is less about needing more servants (volunteers) and more to do with 'control' and a type of 'co-dependency.' I struggled with that overseeing certain programs and ministries, because of my tendency to be a perfectionist. It's hard to trust others to do things that you know you are good at, you just need to sacrifice a bit more time to get it all done on your own. I imagine it would be very difficult for a pastor... especially in ministry areas and a church that s/he cares so much about and wants the best for. A simple answer will not solve this; it's really a paradigm shift that needs to occur.

Our elders need to be honoured. We must learn from them and appreciate them. However, the next generation needs to be equipped and released to continue the work of the ministry or it will stop. This has to happen in harmony. Inter-generational ministry is so effective and powerful when done right. I am so excited for the steps forward that we ARE taking. This is the first 'official' Canadian foursquare internship program. We have 26 interns working under the supervision and mentorship of a pastor this summer. It is very exciting to see in Toronto. No doubt this will be challenging, but immensely strategic on a number of levels. I (hopefully 'we') are praying for the cities of Toronto to be transformed in Jesus name, the 4square GTA unit to be working in unity for their cities and growing healthily, experience and growth for the interns, a blessing and health for the pastors as their ministry shifts to allow for the raising up and release of leaders.

Wow. . . I didn't mean to write all that. I guess I've bottled it up a bit lately cuz I can't express that freely here, but am praying for it to happen. Jesus take control! May your Church be effective in what You call us to.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Jesus is with us in the kitchen

I just had the neatest conversation! I was sitting at the kitchen table reading my Bible and journaling about it (S.O.A.P. method... fairly simple). The little Chinese home-stay girl came over very intrigued as to what I was doing. She had never read the Bible before and was so interested that I was studying it and had highlighted it etc. She sat down and she continued to ask me question after question about the Bible and Jesus and Heaven. We went through my journal entry from yesterday. She was very interested in hearing about how Jesus speaks to us and that He is still alive today. I'm very passionate about the Bible and Jesus, but I don't think I'm a very good evangelist. It was a great chat and I hope we have more, but I did not lead her to the Lord. It's challenging, but quite fun, with her very beginner English level. I then asked her about her history and religion. Her family is Muslim, but she chose to become a Buddhist. She became a Buddhist because she was looking for peace inside. I asked if she found it in Buddhism... she thought for a moment and then said no... no she had not. Then she got uncomfortable and changed the subject (I thought that was a bit interesting).
Anyhow, we chatted some more. She is such a sweet girl and I'm impressed how much she attempts to interact with us in English. She also translates for her dad who only knows "coffee, tea, juice and hello" in English.
They are going to BC for a week to visit a friend-- you might see her! I gave her a list of all the amazing places they have to visit in Vancouver-- she's very excited! :-) Home really is the best place on earth!

Work today was pretty good. I contacted most of the pastors today to set up meetings with them and the interns coming. Pastor Ron had not yet told them that they are having interns this summer! I was rather surprised... so now I have to convince them that this is a good thing and how the intern will help them this summer! Lots of surprises I'm discovering... but it's all good :-P
One of my tasks is to organize their first ever Youth Unit Rally among the 4square churches here ("Youth Explosion" event). I've got contacts now with a missionary and recording artist Gary Keane. He actually grew up in Toronto before moving to Nashville to record CDs and then as a missionary to Kenya. He's back here on furlough and wants to help! So that's great! I just need a venue to hold several hundred people... none of the local 4square churches here do.... so that is a prayer point!

Jesus is good :-)

"We [I] do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you." 2 Chronicles 20:12b
"Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's". 2 Chronicles 20:15b

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day, too much air conditioning and Brazilian pudding & soccer games

Another Father's Day away from my dad (why do missions trip always have to land around this time?) To keep Dad in shape throughout the summer, I bought him a boxing punching bag and set a new record before I left for our hike that he can work on achieving. Thank goodness for Skype! Absolutely amazing to communicate; almost felt like I was right there in the kitchen talking to my family. Lol, my dog started looking for me outside all the doors and windows! I miss Honey...

But really, I have nothing to complain about. . . I love my dad and am so thankful for our relationship, his love, wisdom, spiritual guidance, and his good health. I'm now living with a lovely lady and her two daughters. This must be the most difficult day of the year for them. Her husband (the girls' dad) died in a motorcycle accident a year ago. The last time their extended family saw him was last Father's Day. I can't imagine the pain and loss and loneliness they must be feeling. All I can do is pray for them and look for ways to bless them.
Interestingly, I read today Psalm 82: "Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked" (vs. 3-4).

On another note. . . when I was in Regina I thought THEY were crazy sports fans (Roughrider's) but I found a new breed of intense passion, competitiveness and ear-piercing cheers! I was inundated with gold and green everywhere! The Morin's are SERIOUS Brazilian soccer fans. His son is actually planning his vacation time around the games! The whole family (30 ppl? even "Nannie") was over today to eat KFC and watch the game for Father's Day. I was relieved to see that Brazil won, because if they were that passionate about them doing well, I didn't want to see it go the other way! To be honest... haha. . . I enjoyed all the food they brought over the most... especially the Brazilian pudding and a delicious cake made by a Caribbean Baker.

I loved all the energy around me today... the Nigerian's at church this morning know how to praise the Lord with all they have! Oh! I just found out that some of my "jobs" here this summer is to help with the church's pre-teen girls's soccer club and lead Aerobic classes at the Hope Centre! Lol, I LOVE that!

Today, I moved out of Pastor Ron & Joan's house and into his daughter Sonia's basement suite. It's beautiful! I love it (I'll attach pictures). It's so big. There's 3 separate bedrooms down here for the girl interns. My room is huge and even has a nice fireplace (not that I'll be using it...). We have our own living room with a media centre and treadmill etc. We share our meals all together upstairs. They also have a home-stay girl from China living with them. Her birthday is next week so her dad came out to visit her (so he is living here too). He made us a delicious authentic Chinese dinner... I didn't know what all we were eating, but it was good!

So, supposedly it's blazing hot outside... but I'm sitting inside wrapped in sweatshirts, blankets and double socks freezing from all the air conditioning (doesn't make sense to me... we'd pay a fortune to find the sun in Hawaii, but we turn on the air conditioning here and
make it colder than winter. . .brrrr)

I'm getting a track record (already!) for packing too much and sleeping in (though I've never been late!) so I'd better go to bed


Friday, June 18, 2010

Jet lagged in my own country...

Summer has truly begun with a 85 degree F and 40% humidity forecast... it's like being in Singapore or Nigeria again! Well actually in more ways than one... Toronto is the most multicultural city in the world. The world has come to Canada. . . I love it!

Today the Foursquare District leader of the US MidAtlantic visited and had lunch at Pastor Ron's house with us. She was so impressed with our summer plans that she did a video interview with him. In it he told the story of some US missions teams that had run out of money to go to the Philippines. So he suggested they come to Toronto because it's the same mission field with so many Philippinos living here... so they are! He said the same about those wanting to do missions in Brazil, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe etc. . . if people are looking to do missions work with a particular ethnic group... come to Toronto cuz they are here and in large numbers!

Our schedule is jam packed every day for the next 2 months. . . going to be crazy but fun! I'm looking forward to working with so many different people (we have about 200 people from the US coming as short-term missionaries to help with our programs, evangelism, etc.). The PLBC interns begin arriving next week... yay! :-)

This will definitely be an intensive on how to Church plant. Pastor Ron has planted 8 churches in Toronto in the last 5 years and working on several more right now. I'm learning a lot and getting ideas by just talking, joking around, and observing him and his wife Joan. This couple doesn't stop! They are constantly on the go. They've been in ministry 24/7 since they began in Brazil at the age of 25... planted their first church at 26 and haven't looked back.

This was my first official blog! Kinda fun... an online journal? I'd love to hear your suggestions on how to make them better or utilize this site effectively. I'll try to keep it updated this summer as best I can.

But now, as my title suggests... still jet lagged. It's 3 hours ahead... not too bad, but it does add up when I typically work at night and my house-mates are early risers (5am!) and we are on the go from morning till night. Today was pretty lax though... had some time to do some P90X and Tae bo workouts... need to stay in shape! I'm a bit nervous about the nutrition here (not their top priority... maybe I can influence them in that area?)

Gotta finish season 5 of Gilmore Girls and then off to bed
